Wednesday, February 5, 2014

7 Tips to Smart Shopping

image: Danielle Moss via The Everygirl

I don't know about you, but sticking to a budget can be a challenging task. Budgeting is something that my parents tried to teach me at a young age, however, until recently it is not something I always took very seriously. There is something about life after college that does that to you. Getting married, landing your first job, traveling, getting a puppy, buying your first home - all these things require planning and somehow force you into "becoming and adult" and taking on all the responsibilities that come with that. For those of you who consider yourselves a "girl on a budget" I first want to tell you that it's not a bad thing. In fact, I think its a good thing. Over the past few years I have developed a few "smart" shopping tips, seven to be exact. Maybe you find yourself struggling to stay on budget each month. Maybe you are looking to start a budget for the very first time. No matter what the case, here are seven tips that can quickly turn you into a "smart" shopper.

01. Know your budget: I listed this as number one because I think it is definitely the most important. Whether your shopping budget is $50 a month or $500 a month, know your budget and stick to it! Keep a spending log so you know what you have spent and what you have left to spend. One of my favorite ways to do this is through the Spending App. This (free) app allows me to enter my allotted income for the month and track my expenses. Each time I make a purchase I enter it in and I always know where I am at. This is a great way to keep track of your spending on-the-go.

02. Keep a wishlist: This is a good way to limit impulse buys at the store or online. I like to keep a wishlist in the back of my planner to keep track of things I need or things I would really like to have. This helps me when I am surfing Pinterest and see something I like, then I remember there is something I needed or wanted much more. I also keep a virtual wishlist on Pinterest. Try creating a "secret" board where you can organize style finds that you aren't quite ready to share with the world yet. You can even rank the items in order of importance so you know where your money will be going next. This also helps with quick gift ideas when people ask! 

03. Sleep on it: I may have hinted before that I don't always see myself as a good shopper. I am one that likes to know all my options before I make a decision about something like spending money. Sometimes I think I put too much thought into it. If I see something I like I usually try and wait a few days to see if it's something I am still thinking about - then I know it's something I really want to purchase. The 3-day rule is a good one in this case! I can't tell you how many times I have walked away from something and forgot about it a day or two later. In those times I am happy I did not spend money on something I didn't really love. Just make sure you don't wait too long and miss out on a great piece because it sells out (I am guilty of this more times than I can count). 

04. Stay within your price range: A huge helpful tip when searching online sites is adjusting the price point for the items you are looking for. On most sites you can choose a minimum and maximum price range. By doing this you are only looking at the items that fall into your budget. If your average price range for a pair of shoes is $50-75, don't even allow yourself to look at a pair of $150 shoes that you already know you can't afford. One of my go-to sites is Piperlime because of their Chic Steals Under $100 section. This site has many high end pieces, but also helps you narrow down results to find more affordable pieces as well. I just love it!  

05. Look for free shipping: Lots of sites these days offer free shipping at all times. However, I will warn the fine print first! Sometimes you may think the site offers free shipping then you come to find out there is a minimum amount required first or you will have to pay for any returns. Some of my favorite sites that offer free shipping & returns are PiperlimeNordstromASOS, and TopshopSole Society kindly offers free shipping and returns but will charge a fee if you want a refund instead of store credit. 

06. Plan ahead: One way to make sure you stay on budget month after month is to plan ahead. If you know you have a trip coming up and you are going to want to buy some new things beforehand, save up in the months leading up to the vacation. Most new trends are introduced in the spring and fall each year, therefore summer and winter months might be a little slower. Right now I am eagerly looking forward to spring fashion and warmer weather. I am saving up now so I will have more later. You know your own shopping habits and you know what you have coming in the future so try this smart tip and plan ahead, my friends!

07. Think seasonally: With spring right around the corner its important to ask questions like "Will I use this item now?" or "Do I need it now?". Although you can find great deals on end of season items, sometimes all they do is sit in a closet until next year and end up never being used. Also look for items that can be easily transitioned between seasons to get the most use out of them. 

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