Monday, November 18, 2013

Take it to the Dry Cleaners

Dry Cleaners

I am going to go out on a limb and say that dry shampoo is the best beauty invention ever. This product has become a staple of mine, an "I can't live without" item. You know that game people play when they ask you what three items you would have with you if you were stuck on an island? Dry shampoo might just be one of my three items. When I used to hear about people washing their hair once or twice a week I thought three, why, and gross! First of all, how could anyone feel okay about that? Secondly, why would you want to do that? And finally, it just sounded dirty. I will tell you, with the use of dry shampoo, I have become one of those people. Now before you start to freak out, I'll tell you this: I still shower on a daily basis, I just don't have to blow dry my hair daily. Who doesn't want to cut back on the amount of times they blow dry their hair? First of all it takes forever and second of all it is terrible for your hair! Since I have started cutting back on the amount of times I wash and blow dry my hair I have seen a huge difference in the healthiness of my hair.  A few of my favorites are Batiste and Suave Keratin. The good news is, both are under $10! Batiste can be found at any Ulta store for about eight dollars and Suave Keratin can be found at your local Target for about three. So, I dare you. No. I double dare you. If you haven't tried it yet, do it. I promise you your life will be changed forever and your healthier hair will thank you! 

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